Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Yellow Truck

            It was a glorious summer day preview in Northeast Ohio.  I decided to partake in some fresh air and try to get my 30 minutes of movement as required, I mean recommended, by my employers health page.  As I was cheerfully walking down the last street in the development, a Yellow Truck came roaring at me.  Not quite sure what I had done to said Yellow Truck to make him angry enough to cross into the lane I was walking in, I jumped into the grass.  Of course I followed this action up with a shake of my head and a glare.  But that's all.  No miscellaneous fingers, no urban dictionary phrases.  I watched as this Yellow Truck pulled into a driveway where its occupants (located safely in the truck bed) screamed w/ glee.  I continued with my exercise trek, thoughts of ____________ (insert adjective) tires flashing through my mind.  As I neared the intersection of this normally desolate road, I heard a horrendous noise.  The Yellow Truck was back again! I stopped walking; not sure where to go.  The Yellow Truck ran the stop sign and in its fast right turn it lost control of it's rear end, now safely carrying three passengers in the bed.  The rear end just straightened out as I leaped out of the way for the SECOND time on the SAME road in ONE day.
            I'll end this story briefly.  I called 911, furious and upset.  I waited for the officer.  Another witness/nosy neighbor decided to keep me company.  The officer arrived in what seemed like 20 minutes (it was actually 18).  He is good friends with the nosy neighbor.  (I'm still trying to decide if that was good or bad)  He asked me all the typical questions.  He then said "I'll have to keep an eye out for the Yellow Truck."  I asked "Why?  It's parked right over at there!"  Heck yes, I followed the Yellow Truck to it's abode.  I got its license plate and it's driveway partner's license plate and pictures. 
            Bad news: He couldn't ticket the truck.  I couldn't identify the driver well enough and since I wasn't physically hurt that seemed to be a big show stopper.  So sorry I was leaping for my life.  Next time I will bust out my phone's camera with much more aggression. 
            Good news:  The Officer was apparently chummy with these folks as well (but not in the "Hi, nice to see you" sense but more like the "Why am I being called out here again, please go kill each other" sense.  So justice has been done.  Or has it?  'Til we meet again Yellow Truck.  'Til we meet again...

1 comment:

  1. As of 7-17-11 there has been no further sightings of the yellow truck.
    ~ Confirmed by neighborhoods nosiest neighbor
